Late-Breaking Abstract Submission

We are now open for submission of Late Breaking abstracts !

To be considered for a late-breaking poster presentation, the presenting author must:

  1. Clarify why this abstract could not be submitted by the regular deadline.
  2. Describe the scientific importance and newsworthiness of the findings, justifying why they merit consideration in 50 words or less. Note: "Results are only now available" is insufficient as an explanation.

IMPORTANT: Submissions that leave any of these details unanswered will not be reviewed.


Important Dates

  1. Submission open: Tuesday, September 17th, 2024
  2. Submission deadline: Friday, October 18th, 2024, 23:59 GMT+8
  3. Notification: Friday, October 25th, 2024, 23:59 GMT+8



  1. Late-breaking papers must be 1 page long, describing new research in any of the topics of the 2024 ICMST (check the original call for the abstract template and list of topics).
  2. At the time of abstract submission, the study should not have been previously published as a scientific paper or presented as a meeting abstract.
  3. A meta-analysis is acceptable within the scientific themes as long as it presents a new, data-driven conclusion. Reviews submitted under a scientific theme must include a discussion of results.

Research Background, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions

  • Clearly articulate the research objective and rationale, provide a concise summary of methods and results, and conclude with the main findings.
  • It is not satisfactory to say, "The results will be discussed." Instead, highlight the rationale behind the study, the significance of the findings, and the overarching principles. Indicate whether the research is exploratory or confirmatory. 

Scientific Rigor

  • Describe efforts to ensure scientific rigor, including details on sample size, replication, blinding procedures, and controls used.
  • Ensure the application of the scientific method follows the highest standards, including considerations in experimental design, data analysis, and reproducibility.

All Abstracts Must Include Data.

  • All late-breaking abstracts must provide at least one table or figure and discuss results. Abstracts stating "results will be discussed" will be rejected.

Use Standard Abbreviations.

  • Use standard abbreviations for units of measure. Other abbreviations should be fully spelled out on first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. 


To submit, simply go to the same website and select the Late Breaking.


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 Important Dates

Paper Submission Opening

Registration Opening

Paper Submission Deadline

Notification of Abstract Acceptance

Late-Breaking Abstract Deadline

Notification of Late-Breaking Abstract Acceptance

Registration Deadline

Conference Days